01/04/2020 Michael Wakelam 1955 - 2020 people |institute |signalling |lymphocyte signalling |epigenetics
31/03/2020 Professor Wolf Reik receives an ERC Advanced Grant to study crucial developmental process reik |funding |grants |europe |stem cells |mammalian development |epigenetics |single-cell analysis
27/03/2020 Children’s book ‘Battle Robots of the Blood’ launches liston |immune system |vaccination |disease |people |health |public engagement |education |lymphocyte signalling |immunology
26/03/2020 How to boost immune response to vaccines in older people ageing |vaccination |people |immune system |vaccine |germinal response |linterman |animal research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |lymphocyte signalling |immunology |press release
11/03/2020 Dr Maria Christophorou announced as a SUSTAIN participant epigenetics |people |careers |networking |award |women in science
05/02/2020 Charting immune system development in sub-Saharan African children antibodies |children |development |disease |health |immune system |malaria |vaccination |vaccine |collaborative research |lymphocyte signalling and development |press release |immunology
15/01/2020 New group leader joins the Epigenetics research programme epigenetics |people |research |proteins |regulation |chromatin |post-translational modifications |cell signalling |development
10/01/2020 EU grant success to harness the immune system to treat brain damage lymphocyte signalling and development |funding |brain |neurodegeneration |ageing |immune system |animal research
11/12/2019 Single-cell analysis of the earliest cell fate decisions in development cell biology |chromatin |data |developmental biology |embryo |enhancers |epigenetics |gene expression |genome |dna methylation |single-cell |collaborative research |press release |reik
03/12/2019 How accumulating useful genes on DNA circles helps older yeast fare better in tougher times epigenetics |yeast |ageing |press release
14/11/2019 Blocking a survival mechanism could tackle melanoma treatment resistance animal research |cancer |cell death |cell signalling |cell survival |collaborative research |drug development |melanoma |signalling |press release |cook
13/11/2019 How the cellular recycling system is put on hold while cells divide ageing |autophagy |cell division |cell signalling |imaging-facility |mass spectrometry |research |signalling |press release |cook
13/11/2019 Hayley Sharpe becomes an EMBO Young Investigator award |sharpe |excellence |people |research |signalling |women in science
06/11/2019 Senior researcher Stephen Clark named Researcher of the Year award |cambridge independent |epigenetics |impact |methods |people |research |single-cell analysis |techniques
21/10/2019 Health in old age is a lifelong affair ageing |animal research |collaborative research |healthy ageing |lipidomics |lipids |metabolism |signalling |press release
16/10/2019 Institute welcomes new group leader Rahul Samant ageing |autophagy |health |misfolding |people |proteins |research |signalling |samant
04/10/2019 Dr Michelle Linterman is awarded tenure ageing |award |immune system |linterman |lymphocyte signalling and development |people |vaccination |women in science
05/09/2019 LifeLab 2019 – discovery on your doorstep cambridge |careers |ely |events |family |hands-on science |lifelab |peterborough |public engagement
14/08/2019 Pinpointing the molecular mechanisms of ageing ageing |ageing clock |collaborative research |development |disease |epigenetic clock |epigenetics |health |press release
07/08/2019 Institute welcomes new group leader cell biology |development |disease |health |immunity |people |proteins |research |signalling
25/07/2019 Human Developmental Biology Initiative announced cell biology |computational biology |developmental biology |embyro |epigenetics |funding |regenerative medicine |single-cell analysis |stem cells