30/09/2020 Martin Turner becomes Associate Director and Chair of the Institute’s Science Policy Committee institute |people |turner |immunology |governance |lymphocyte signalling
28/09/2020 Volunteer account from the COVID-19 testing centre institute |people |covid-19 |epigenetics
14/09/2020 Institute signalling research waves red flag for commercial drug target candidate signalling |cell signalling |drug development |peer-reviewed |experimental study |collaborative research |cook
07/09/2020 Improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine healthy ageing |disease |europe |personalised medicine |cancer |neurodegeneration |inflammation |collaboration |science policy |single-cell |organoids |imaging
07/09/2020 Institute announces new Epigenetics and Signalling research programme leaders institute |people |epigenetics |signalling |leadership |kelsey |cook
10/08/2020 Hayley Sharpe receives a 2020 Lister Research Prize Fellowship award |people |sharpe |signalling |cell biology |cell adhesion |migration |protein phosphatases |women in science
04/08/2020 Dr Danika Hill receives the Michelson Prize award |people |immunology |lymphocyte signalling |vaccine |linterman |women in science
22/07/2020 New role for white blood cells in the developing brain immunology |t cells |brain |development |collaborative research |animal research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |people |liston
15/07/2020 Sugar consumption shown to be a driving factor in onset of pancreatic cancer cancer |animal research |diet |sugar |liston |lymphocyte signalling
06/07/2020 Novel CRISPR screen speeds discovery of early developmental regulators epigenetics |reik |developmental biology |mammalian development |single-cell |collaborative research |animal research |gene expression
06/07/2020 New technique offers speed and ease to study imprinted genes at unprecedented coverage development |epigenetics |dna methylation |gene expression |regenerative medicine |stem cells |impact |reik |collaborative research |animal research
02/07/2020 Martin Howard joins the Institute as an honorary faculty member institute |people |epigenetics |collaborative research |mathematical modelling |signalling |lymphocyte signalling
22/06/2020 Institute spin-out joins Start Codon’s business acceleration programme commercialisation |institute |3d genome |disease |spin out |dna |genome organisation |enhancers |schoenfelder
22/06/2020 Early preparation allows genes to ‘come online’ later epigenetics |developmental biology |dna methylation |chromatin |gene expression |reik |animal research
16/06/2020 New report recognises Institute’s pivotal contribution to Babraham Research Campus success institute |babraham research campus |knowledge exchange |collaboration |facilities |research |impact |bbsrc
27/05/2020 Professor Wolf Reik FRS appointed Acting Director of the Babraham Institute institute |people |epigenetics |lymphocyte signalling |signalling |reik |immunology
20/05/2020 Memories of Michael: how a chat turned into a collaboration and a career path people |institute |epigenetics |signalling |lymphocyte signalling |wakelam |immunology
13/05/2020 Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases roychoudhuri |press release |collaborative research |inflammation |immune system |auto-immune disease |3d genome |genomics |allergies |animal research
07/05/2020 Memories of Michael: his contribution to EU-LIFE people |institute |epigenetics |signalling |lymphocyte signalling |wakelam |immunology
06/05/2020 The Babraham Institute’s contribution to the COVID-19 response research |people |institute |liston |linterman |immunology |lymphocyte signalling |epigenetics |signalling |public engagement |coronavirus |immunology
30/04/2020 Memories of Michael: a mentor, friend and director people |institute |signalling |lymphocyte signalling |epigenetics |immunology
21/04/2020 Memories of Michael: a colleague’s tribute people |institute |signalling |lymphocyte signalling |epigenetics