18/12/2024 Meet Dr Alyssa Silva-Cayetano - Sir Michael Berridge Prize winner 2024 prize |immunology |ageing |careers |profile |linterman |women in science |covid-19 |animal research
12/02/2024 New Ageing Cluster brings together national expertise to put ageing under the microscope ageing |funding |collaborative research |linterman |immunology |immune system |animal research |animal facility |facilities
19/10/2023 Dr Michelle Linterman joins the GSK Immunology Network linterman |knowledge exchange |immunology |immune system |health |ageing |germinal response |collaborative research |industry |women in science
14/09/2023 Researchers discover tissue-specific protection against protein aggregation Protein aggregation |c. elegans |signalling |david |discovery |healthy ageing |ageing |women in science |press release
11/09/2023 Cancer-causing mutations transform the architecture of a key growth-promoting signalling pathway cell signalling |cancer |pi3k |signalling |animal research |ageing |discovery |stephens |hawkins |women in science |press release
29/08/2023 Researchers identify a potential new culprit behind the signs of ageing by studying yeast houseley |yeast |ageing |healthy ageing |epigenetics |press release
29/08/2023 Yeast studies show that diet in early life matters for lifelong health houseley |yeast |diet |ageing |press release |healthy ageing
30/05/2023 Uniting immunology and vaccine expertise will explore how to boost mRNA vaccine response in older people immunology |ageing |linterman |turner |collaborative research |vaccination |germinal response |animal research |funding |flow cytometry |bbsrc
22/05/2023 'Lost' immune cells partly to blame for reduced vaccine response in older people immunology |ageing |vaccination |germinal response |animal research |press release |linterman
16/05/2023 Understanding the effect of age on vaccination response to ensure immunity in older people immunology |immune system |ageing |vaccination |t cells |covid-19 |linterman |animal research
08/04/2022 A jump through time – new technique rewinds the age of skin cells by 30 years epigenetics |epigenetic clock |reprogramming |ageing |press release |reik
04/11/2021 Limiting inflammation may improve ‘flu vaccination response in older people immunology |linterman |flu vaccine |vaccination |t cells |ageing |press release |animal research
13/05/2021 Babraham Institute scientists find clues to explain reduced vaccine response with age ageing |immunology |linterman |immune system |germinal response |animal research
16/12/2020 Exploring the effects of age on the immune response to Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine ageing |immune system |covid-19 |vaccine |animal research |lymphocyte signalling |linterman |immunology
18/11/2020 Single-cell technique could provide ‘egg health’ indicators ageing |epigenetics |dna methylation |oocytes |gene expression |chromatin |single-cell analysis |kelsey |peer-reviewed |animal research |press release
26/03/2020 How to boost immune response to vaccines in older people ageing |vaccination |people |immune system |vaccine |germinal response |linterman |animal research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |lymphocyte signalling |immunology |press release
10/01/2020 EU grant success to harness the immune system to treat brain damage lymphocyte signalling and development |funding |brain |neurodegeneration |ageing |immune system |animal research
03/12/2019 How accumulating useful genes on DNA circles helps older yeast fare better in tougher times epigenetics |yeast |ageing |press release
13/11/2019 How the cellular recycling system is put on hold while cells divide ageing |autophagy |cell division |cell signalling |imaging-facility |mass spectrometry |research |signalling |press release |cook
21/10/2019 Health in old age is a lifelong affair ageing |animal research |collaborative research |healthy ageing |lipidomics |lipids |metabolism |signalling |press release
16/10/2019 Institute welcomes new group leader Rahul Samant ageing |autophagy |health |misfolding |people |proteins |research |signalling |samant
04/10/2019 Dr Michelle Linterman is awarded tenure ageing |award |immune system |linterman |lymphocyte signalling and development |people |vaccination |women in science
14/08/2019 Pinpointing the molecular mechanisms of ageing ageing |ageing clock |collaborative research |development |disease |epigenetic clock |epigenetics |health |press release
17/06/2019 Personal achievements recognised as part of annual Lab Talks event ageing |celebrate |community |e4s |epigenetics |facilities |flow cytometry |impact |institute |knowledge exchange |lymphocyte signalling and development |prize |public engagement |research |signalling |thecellescape