06/12/2024 Institute is successful in renewing its Athena Swan Silver Award athena swan |award |institute |people |equity4success |gender equality |roving researcher |women in science |lgbt |work-life balance
20/08/2024 Meet Peter Rugg-Gunn, researcher, policy contributor and engagement lead people |careers |profile |rugg-gunn |developmental biology |embryo |stem cells |public engagement |epigenetics
24/07/2024 Māori fellow Theresa Pankhurst joins the Kia Niwha Leader Fellowship people |fellowship |award |collaboration |leadership |linterman |immunology |germinal response |vaccination |postdoc |women in science
01/05/2024 Professor Kai-Michael Toellner joins the Immunology programme as a senior group leader people |immunology |b cells |t cells |germinal response |antibodies |press release
19/12/2023 Institute welcomes appointment of Anne Ferguson-Smith as BBSRC Executive Chair bbsrc |people |bioscience |governance |women in science
03/11/2023 Meet Dr Hayley Sharpe, tenured group leader profile |signalling |people |sharpe |women in science |careers |equity4success
03/11/2023 Dr Hayley Sharpe becomes a tenured group leader award |signalling |sharpe |people |cell biology |protein phosphatases |women in science
28/09/2023 Institute welcomes new members to the Board of Trustees governance |strategy |trustees |institute |people |women in science
13/07/2023 Scientist Stories: Meet Dr Maria Rostovskaya careers |profile |epigenetics |postdoc |stem cells |embryo |people |women in science
05/07/2023 Head of the Institute’s Flow Cytometry facility wins a Papin Prize for contribution to knowledge exchange people |award |careers |flow cytometry |knowledge exchange |Technician |Technician Commitment |women in science
03/07/2023 Gratitude and recognition from the Institute’s community as Professor Dame Melanie Welham steps down as BBSRC Executive Chair people |governance |bioscience |bbsrc
03/04/2023 Nau mai, haere mai to Māori fellow Dr Theresa Pankhurst as she joins the Institute institute |people |careers |postdoc |women in science |linterman |immunology
13/03/2023 Institute welcomes Yiliang Ding as an honorary group leader institute |people |rna |immunology |collaboration |women in science |Ribeiro de Almeida
06/03/2023 Institute technician team recognised with Outstanding Collaborator Award Technician Commitment |Technician |award |people |facilities |careers |bsu |animal research |animal facility |knowledge exchange
14/02/2023 Institute appoints Professor Dame Linda Partridge FRS as Chair of the Board of Trustees governance |strategy |trustees |people |women in science
25/01/2023 Meet Danielle Hoyle, Head of Research Operations institute |people |careers |women in science
03/11/2022 Institute appoints Professor Linda Partridge FRS to the Board of Trustees governance |strategy |trustees |people |women in science
09/08/2022 Professor Wolf Reik becomes an honorary group leader at the Institute people |institute |epigenetics |collaboration |reik
10/06/2022 International society recognises flow cytometry strengths at the Institute award |flow cytometry |people |immunology |impact |liston |women in science
09/06/2022 Dr Simon Cook appointed Institute Director institute |leadership |governance |people |signalling
21/02/2022 Scientist Stories: Meet Anne Segonds-Pichon bioinformatics |facilities |careers |women in science |statistics |people |profile