28/11/2024 Babraham Research Campus impact report illustrates Campus’s supportive ecosystem as key to commercial success institute |babraham research campus |research |innovation |entrepreneurship |facilities |knowledge exchange |impact |bbsrc
07/10/2024 Image-based sorting capability comes to the Flow Cytometry facility flow cytometry |cell sorting |facilities |cells |epigenetics |immunology |signalling |babraham research campus |training |Technician Commitment
13/06/2024 Five Alarm Bio and Institute collaborate on research into biology of ageing collaboration |industry |healthy ageing |funding |McGough |signalling |babraham research campus
23/01/2024 PlaqueTec and the Babraham Institute collaborate on blood screen to improve treatment for coronary artery disease flow cytometry |collaborative research |babraham research campus |health |facilities
17/05/2023 Commercialisation boost for the Institute’s fundamental research research |commercialisation |innovation |impact |funding |immunology |liston |flow cytometry |babraham research campus
01/02/2023 Stemnovate and Babraham Institute come together to untangle the tauopathy in Alzheimer’s disease ktistakis |autophagy |alzheimer's disease |neurodegeneration |Protein aggregation |collaborative research |babraham research campus |signalling
06/10/2022 Green Labs gets the gold Green Labs |babraham research campus |collaboration |sustainability
30/06/2022 Institute’s animal facility receives international accreditation for animal care animal research |animal facility |babraham research campus |openness
07/10/2021 The Babraham Research Campus receives funding for barrier-busting PhD programme babraham research campus |funding |phd student |innovation |collaboration |industry |press release
12/05/2021 Institute welcomes future vision for the Babraham Research Campus babraham research campus |knowledge exchange |bbsrc |innovation
16/06/2020 New report recognises Institute’s pivotal contribution to Babraham Research Campus success institute |babraham research campus |knowledge exchange |collaboration |facilities |research |impact |bbsrc
06/03/2019 Silver anniversary for Institute Schools’ Day! babraham research campus |careers |education |hands-on science |public engagement |schools day |secondary schools |sixth form |students |teachers
09/11/2018 Institute spin-out announces early exclusive licence of oncology-targeted Humabody® antibodies |babraham research campus |cancer |commercialisation |immunology |impact |spin out
20/06/2017 Institute Trustee awarded OBE in Birthday Honours award |babraham |babraham research campus |board |news |phramacology |signalling |trustees
10/10/2016 Babraham Institute spin-out Crescendo Biologics enters deal worth up to $790m babraham research campus |commercialisation |immunology |industry
11/12/2015 Teacher Industrial Partners’ Scheme at the Babraham Institute babraham research campus |knowledge exchange |public engagement |science |training
29/07/2015 Promising young researcher joins the Babraham Institute for a day award |babraham research campus |nuclear dynamics |public engagement |science |training
20/07/2015 President of Mauritius visits the Babraham Research Campus and the Babraham Institute babraham research campus |bioscience |knowledge exchange
19/01/2015 £10M bioincubator opens on the Babraham Research Campus babraham research campus |bbsrc |bioscience