06/12/2024 Institute is successful in renewing its Athena Swan Silver Award athena swan |award |institute |people |equity4success |gender equality |roving researcher |women in science |lgbt |work-life balance
15/08/2024 Meet Maha Ashraf, LifeArc Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fellow knowledge exchange |careers |fellowship |commercialisation |award
24/07/2024 Māori fellow Theresa Pankhurst joins the Kia Niwha Leader Fellowship people |fellowship |award |collaboration |leadership |linterman |immunology |germinal response |vaccination |postdoc |women in science
21/02/2024 Institute Nursery recognised as Employer of the Year for apprentices nursery |award |careers |training
05/12/2023 Colleague recognised with the inaugural Sir Colin Blakemore Memorial Award award |animal research |openness |Technician |Technician Commitment |animal facility |careers |communications
23/11/2023 Dr Hayley Sharpe receives an ERC Consolidator Grant award |funding |sharpe |signalling |cell biology |protein phosphatases |t cells |animal research |facilities |women in science
03/11/2023 Dr Hayley Sharpe becomes a tenured group leader award |signalling |sharpe |people |cell biology |protein phosphatases |women in science
05/07/2023 Head of the Institute’s Flow Cytometry facility wins a Papin Prize for contribution to knowledge exchange people |award |careers |flow cytometry |knowledge exchange |Technician |Technician Commitment |women in science
06/03/2023 Institute technician team recognised with Outstanding Collaborator Award Technician Commitment |Technician |award |people |facilities |careers |bsu |animal research |animal facility |knowledge exchange
10/06/2022 International society recognises flow cytometry strengths at the Institute award |flow cytometry |people |immunology |impact |liston |women in science
27/01/2021 Meet Claudia Ribeiro de Almeida, a new Sir Henry Dale Fellow profile |immunology |people |award |women in science |rna binding proteins |Ribeiro de Almeida
12/01/2021 Melanie Eckersley-Maslin receives award for stem cell research award |people |epigenetics |stem cells |development |cancer |women in science |reik
10/08/2020 Hayley Sharpe receives a 2020 Lister Research Prize Fellowship award |people |sharpe |signalling |cell biology |cell adhesion |migration |protein phosphatases |women in science
04/08/2020 Dr Danika Hill receives the Michelson Prize award |people |immunology |lymphocyte signalling |vaccine |linterman |women in science
11/03/2020 Dr Maria Christophorou announced as a SUSTAIN participant epigenetics |people |careers |networking |award |women in science
13/11/2019 Hayley Sharpe becomes an EMBO Young Investigator award |sharpe |excellence |people |research |signalling |women in science
06/11/2019 Senior researcher Stephen Clark named Researcher of the Year award |cambridge independent |epigenetics |impact |methods |people |research |single-cell analysis |techniques
04/10/2019 Dr Michelle Linterman is awarded tenure ageing |award |immune system |linterman |lymphocyte signalling and development |people |vaccination |women in science
26/06/2019 Michelle Linterman receives Lister Prize award |fellowship |funding |immunology |lister prize |lymphocyte signalling and development |people |research |women in science
25/10/2018 Institute achieves new Silver Athena SWAN award athena swan |award |equality |equity4success |flexible working |gender equality |lgbt |mentoring |people |policies |women in science |work-life balance
16/07/2018 Annual Prize awards recognise research and impact successes art-science |award |c. elegans |celebrate |chromos |excellence |institute |knowledge exchange |people |public engagement |animal research
12/07/2018 Wolf Reik awarded Wellcome Trust Investigator Award epigenetics |epigenome |people |award |cell memory |embryo |developmental biology