20/08/2024 Meet Peter Rugg-Gunn, researcher, policy contributor and engagement lead people |careers |profile |rugg-gunn |developmental biology |embryo |stem cells |public engagement |epigenetics
04/07/2024 Pioneering Code of Practice released for use of stem cell-based embryo models in research developmental biology |embryo |stem cells |research |public dialogue |rugg-gunn |epigenetics
04/03/2024 Degree of cell crowding in the early human embryo influences cell identity decision, new culture system finds developmental biology |stem cells |Rayon |epigenetics |collaborative research |embryo |press release
25/10/2023 Public support for extending the 14-day rule on human embryo research indicated by foundational dialogue project rugg-gunn |public dialogue |public engagement |embryo |ethics |press release
13/07/2023 Scientist Stories: Meet Dr Maria Rostovskaya careers |profile |epigenetics |postdoc |stem cells |embryo |people |women in science
24/02/2022 New stem cell population provides a new way to study the awakening of the human genome epigenetics |stem cells |embryo |development |press release |women in science
01/09/2021 Epigenetics programme welcomes Professor Kathy Niakan as honorary group leader people |institute |epigenetics |embryo |collaboration |women in science
11/12/2019 Single-cell analysis of the earliest cell fate decisions in development cell biology |chromatin |data |developmental biology |embryo |enhancers |epigenetics |gene expression |genome |dna methylation |single-cell |collaborative research |press release |reik
20/02/2019 Establishing the molecular blueprint of early embryo development cells |collaborative research |development |disease |embryo |epigenetics |experimental study |genes |mouse |peer-reviewed |single-cell |animal research |press release
28/01/2019 Kick-starting the genome in early development cells |development |egg cells |embryo |epigenetics |mouse |pluripotency |reprogramming |stem cells |animal research |press release
29/11/2018 ‘Mini-placentas’ could provide a model for early pregnancy cell biology |collaborative research |developmental biology |epigenetics |organoids |placenta |pregnancy |reproduction |trophoblast |embryo
17/07/2018 Even stem cells have their ups and downs collaborative research |development |dna methylation |embryo |epigenetics |pluripotency |stem cells |animal research
12/07/2018 Wolf Reik awarded Wellcome Trust Investigator Award epigenetics |epigenome |people |award |cell memory |embryo |developmental biology
14/03/2018 Placenta defects key factor in prenatal deaths placenta |embryo |developmental biology |collaborative research |epigenetics |animal research