Prestigious Award for Institute Director

Prestigious Award for Institute Director

Prestigious Award for Institute Director

Babraham Institute Director, Professor Michael Wakelam, is the next eminent scientist to receive the Morton Lectureship by the Biochemical Society.  His award is one of eleven that recognise excellence and achievement in both specific and general fields of science from established researchers, as well as scientists in the early stages of their career.
Professor Wakelam was recognised for his excellence in lipid biochemistry and lipidomics research and the significant achievements in his career.  
Professor Michael Wakelam has been Director of the Babraham Institute since 2007. Prior to this, Michael was Professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Birmingham Institute for Cancer Studies, having started his academic career at the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer, Senior Lecture and then Reader in Biochemistry.
Throughout his career, Professor Wakelam has contributed significantly to the bioscience sector, holding positions such as Chair of the MRC Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board and member of MRC Council.  He is currently an Honorary Professor of Lipid Signalling in the University of Cambridge Clinical School, Honorary Professor at Birmingham University and a Visiting Professor at Kings College London,
Michael’s research focuses upon understanding the role and regulation of lipid signalling pathways in inflammation and cancer.  His lab has a major focus upon the use and development of lipidomics methodologies in determining the functions of individual lipid molecular species.

Speaking about the Award, Michael says “I am delighted and surprised to have been awarded the Morton Lectureship by the Biochemical Society. I am extremely grateful for the efforts of the many excellent scientists who have contributed to the success of my laboratory over the years. Additionally, I am proud to join the list of great lipid scientists who have been previous recipients of this award."  

Professor Wakelam will give a lecture at a Biochemical Society conference or event during 2018. Details will be announced on the Babraham Institute and Biochemical Society’s website. For more information on the Biochemical Society Awards, please visit: